Vision for Industrialization:
An Akwa Ibom State with an empowered populace and a private sector-driven
economy, acting as a catalyst to Nigeria's Industrial Revolution.
Creating a dynamic prosperous, and productive
Vision Goals
Community empowerment - for industrialisation and
business ownership
Community entrepreneurship - logical
:: Recent Articles | Mar 8, 2013: On International Women`s Day: President Jonathan Reaffirms Commitment To Breaking gender Barriers | Nov 4, 2012: First Female Akwa Ibom Deputy Governor Sworn In | Nov 4, 2012: Valerie Ebe Becomes Akwa Ibom’s First Female Deputy Governor | Mar 7, 2012: Nigerian Navy Urged To Establish Secondary School In Akwa Ibom | Feb 29, 2012: First Lady Makes Case For Women, Children | Feb 29, 2012: Women Call for Greater Representation in Govt | Jul 25, 2011: Stigmatised Children Benefit From Boarding School Facilities | Jul 3, 2011: Akwa Ibom State Chief Judge Urges Women to Uphold Virtues of Chastity
| Jul 3, 2011: Bravo to Lagos Over Children`s Rights | Jun 28, 2011: Akpabio Gets Kudos on Child-Friendly Programmes as UNCEF Trains Local Govt. Orientation Officers
| Jun 16, 2011: HCS Advise Parents on Child Upbringing
| Jun 8, 2011: Akpabio To Establish Child Protection Agency ...Judicial Commission of Enquiry Submits Report
| Jun 8, 2011: AKS First Lady Donates to Children | Sep 6, 2010: Ekaette Unoma Akpabio Honoured By Rotary Club With Goldservice Award | Aug 19, 2010: Akpabio Gets 2010 Child Friendly Governor Award | Aug 18, 2010: AKSG Approves Training on Identification of Early Sight Defects for Children | Aug 13, 2010: UNICEF Lauds Akpabio for Enacting Child Right Act | Aug 11, 2010: AKS Women Stand Tall for Akpabio | Aug 4, 2010: NAPTIP Assured of Partnership With AKS | Apr 26, 2010: NGO Seeks End to Female Circumcision |
Empowers and offers social
protection to vulnerable members of society such as women, children, disabled,
and the elderly by promoting gender equality, child rights, and provision of
free or subsidized services so they can achieve unrestrained development and
benefit from equal opportunities to project a just and fair society committed to
the welfare of the less privileged.
Women Affairs in Akwa Ibom State
To develop Akwa Ibom’s industrial potentials and at the same time attract
potential investors the government has put in place an industrialisation blueprint to
enable such investors examine and leverage inward looking, import-substitution,
and export-led industrialisation strategies being adopted by the state
government. The rapid industrial development of the state, therefore, involves investment
promotion, and public private partnership.
Government has vigorously enabled the environment for the development of
industrial estates and cottage industries whether by the state or with private
interests, such that each of our 31 local government areas will
have at least one industrial estate to employ the citizens and process available
raw materials into finished products.
As an empowerment strategy, government supports and sponsors its citizens to embark on commercial ventures. Support includes identification of market
opportunities, participation in domestic and international trade fairs,
provision of infrastructures, periodic material subsidies, and patronage of
local entreprises.
Food Crops |
Arable Crops |
Fruit Crops |
Vegetable Crops |
Tree Crops |
Palm Trees, cocoa, rubber |
Livestock |
Poultry |
Fisheries |
Aggressive agricultural sector reforms have enabled us adopt proactive measures
and best practices to assure of lessening dependence on oil derivation through
massive agricultural development and massive statewide agricultural schemes
which include Mechanised agriculture to leverage technology, aggressive
environmental security policies, In
AKS government guards against the effects of malnutrition by nutritionally
ensuring adequate food intake in children to prevent stunted growth and
eradicate extreme poverty to improve food consumption levels. We have elevated
rural development, including sustainable agricultural, fishery and forestry
production and management of natural resources. Helping people improve their
farms and productivity and ensure that farmlands are secured from pollution with
top priority of government to guarantee an increase in current levels of
production for future food needs.
Akwa Ibom State Government is committed to ameliorating the living conditions of the people of the State. In this regard, special attention is given to the vulnerable groups in the society consisting of the women, children, the aged as well as the socially disadvantaged. So far, efforts have been geared at producing a vibrant, productive and socially balanced society where human resources are maximally developed for equal access to opportunities created by government.
Measures taken by government to achieve this include:
- Signing a MOU with the Central Bank of Nigeria and the Union Bank of Africa for an Agricultural Loan facility of N28million to 300 women beneficiaries from the 3 Senatorial Districts of the State with a collateral deposit of N7million
- Provision of free medical treatment to women including free eye glasses, hearing aids, nutritional supplement, beverages, free symposium on HIV/AIDS, Hypertension and breast cancer
- Free legal services as well as Human Right Education to over 3,000 women of which 76 had surgical intervention
- Free medical attention to 1000 women on cervical cancer, breast cancer, diabetes and free talks on women and security consciousness
- Provision of anti-natal kits to over 1000 pregnant widows
- Promotion of women participation in politics
- Removal of lunatics from the roads and capacity building for the rehabilitated lunatics
- Spent N8million for the rehabilitation of the socially disadvantaged citizens in the State by providing them with wheel chairs, Cain guides and financial empowerment
- Free health care services to pregnant women, children and the aged in the society
- The passage of the Child’s Right Law to enable the children of Akwa Ibom to enjoy all the privileges enshrined in the National Child’s Act 2004
- Sponsorship for the children parliament to attend academic programmes within and outside the country
- Rehabilitation of orphans through scholarships and skills acquisition
- Yearly sponsorship of computer appreciation holiday cam programme for over 200 children from all the local government areas of the State
- Sponsorship of children programmes which has yielded positive results. An Akwa Ibom child is the National Deputy Speaker in the National Children’s Parliament.